Business on Country diversification strategy for enterprise, economic development and health and productive lands and seas

This ‘Business on Country Diversification Strategy’ sets out the principles, improved practices and actions needed from Indigenous landowners, industry, government and relevant NGOs to close the land development gap. In particular, it sets out how Indigenous interests can structure their interactions with industry and government to facilitate joint examination of sustainable land use and commercial options that improve net well-being, to establish productive pathways to realisation, and foster necessary complementary actions from government and industry.

Key principles and practice for Business on Country, derived from a comprehensive review of policies and programs that have worked well, especially the federal government’s critical Working on Country program, include:

  • Strengthening the strategic leadership shown by local people
  • Establishment or strengthening of local governance systems
  • Accessing support arrangements for genuine real landholder engagement
  • The genuine application of traditional knowledge
  • Effective support from Indigenous organisations, including properly-resourced land councils and native title bodies
  • Commitment to facilitated technical support from relevant arms of government and industry
  • Full consideration of cultural values through activities like cultural mapping
  • Further securing Indigenous land and sea country under self-management

This document should be read in conjunction with the Business on Country introduction and summary report.

Publication Date

North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance Ltd

Traditional Owner Led business
Publication Type