Evaluation of the potential to expand horticultural industries in Northern Australia

Northern Australia has long been regarded as an important gateway to the Asian market. However, due to Australia’s focus on supplying the domestic market, horticultural industries in the region have yet to take full advantage of international market opportunities.

The Evaluation of the potential to expand horticultural industries in Northern Australia project has undertaken an assessment of the production and supply capacity of the horticultural industry in northern Australia (i.e. north QLD, NT and WA), and sought to match that with the market and logistical dynamics of imported mangoes, avocados and lychees in targeted Asian markets.

This report seeks to provide an evidence base for decisions on the expansion of exports of high-value horticultural products (mangoes, lychees and avocados) from Northern Australia to high margin Asian markets by integrating market dynamics and supply capacity with efficient and innovative value chains.

The research informing this report was conducted through the combination of a stakeholder workshop, desktop analysis of production, trade and market data, and in-depth field discussions with industry bodies, growers and exporters in northern Australia and importers, wholesalers and retailers in Hong Kong, Singapore and China.

Publication Date

Cao, S., Hine, D., Henry, R., Shaw, L., Mitter, N.

Publication Type