De-risking, brokering and prioritising agricultural development in northern Western Australia

NAJA Business Consulting was engaged by the Cooperative Research Centre for Developing Northern Australia (CRCNA) to undertake a study into de-risking, brokering and prioritising agricultural and aquacultural development in northern Western Australia as part of a wider collaboration between the CRCNA and the Northern Territory (NT), Queensland (QLD) and Western Australian (WA) governments to support the development of new agricultural activity across Northern Australia.

This report explores constraints identified that inhibit agricultural development in northern Western Australia, reflecting upon:

  • Complex land tenure arrangements
  • Limited understanding of water availability and soil suitability
  • Secure water rights and water infrastructure
  • Transport and communications infrastructure
  • Supportive regulatory environment
  • Supportive investment environment.

Twenty-eight agricultural developments across the West and East Kimberley, Pilbara and Gascoyne were selected from a list provided by DPIRD, for case study summary reviews.

Five of the case studies were identified for further detailed analysis and augmented with findings from a further three case studies previously undertaken by NAJA.

Recommendations around the following themes have been proposed to facilitate pathways to sustainable (economic, environment, and social) development. These include:

  • Targeted infrastructure to facilitate development
  • Providing market development support based on industry needs and market analysis
  • Enabling Aboriginal economic agricultural development
  • Strategic de-risking in coordinated and targeted research
  • Addressing regulatory barriers to agriculture development
  • Developing de-risked agricultural land
  • Developing a proactive case management framework
  • Improving relationships and culture.

This report should be read in conjunction with the Summary Report, authored by the Government of Western Australia Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, available below.

Publication Date

NAJA Business Consulting, CRCNA

Broadacre Cropping
Bush foods
Supply chain development
Traditional Owner Led business
Publication Type